December 2018
The Advent season commenced in joyous fashion at the Kirk, with the lighting of the first candle on our Advent wreath, a baptism, the reception of five new members, and our Advent communion service.
The service began with the choir singing the anthem “Come, thou long-expected Jesus” by E. Daley. The first candle on the Advent wreath was lit by David and Valerie Toms, both Elders of the Kirk.
Following the Advent hymn, “Hope is a Star”, the family of Robert Robinson-Bartley-Crossley was invited forward for the baptism. Robert, who has been an active member of the Kirk family for about three years, was joined by his wife, Eleanor Robinson-Bartley-Crossley and father, John Crossley from Fredericton, NB and Dyer’s Bay, ON for the ceremony. He was presented for baptism on behalf of Session by his father-in-law, David Robinson, the Action Clerk of Session. Reverend Amanda Henderson-Bolton had to stand on tip-toes to reach Robert’s forehead to baptize him! It was a new challenge, as we see so few adult baptisms in our church, especially of those who stand six feet tall.
Said Robert, “It means so much to have taken this step with my family present. The Kirk has been such a welcoming environment for the past several years, and I am glad I get to be a part of this community.”
After the baptism, the choir sang the anthem, “Thou shalt know him,” by M. Sirett, and then the five new Kirk members were invited forward to be received. Joining the membership of the church were Robert and Eleanor Robinson-Bartley-Crossley, Katherine Burnett, and Josephine and Tim Rose. They all made confessions of faith and were presented with mementos by the Action Clerk of Session, following which they received the right hand of fellowship from all present Kirk Elders. More than a few tears of joy were shed as we thanked our new members for making the Kirk their church home.
The recepti0n of new members was followed by the Advent communion service, always a joyful and uplifting remembrance of our Lord’s life and his new covenant with us. It made an altogether wonderful start to the expectant and love-filled season of Advent.