
In the Sanctuary

When I was little, sitting through Church felt like a lesson in eternity, simply because I was a very busy child, and sitting was my least favorite activity.  That being said I loved being part of a larger community, the singing, the friendships, and the things I learned about my faith.  In searching for a Church in my adult years I have always looked for places that felt welcoming, genuine, and like a community.  Here at the Kirk, first and foremost, we are a community.  A borrowed phrase that we are working at is “God is not calling us to go to Church; He is calling us to be His Church, the hope of the world.”

IMG_7101Our service is made up of prayers, scripture, a children’s story time, and a sermon. We are also grateful for our wonderful organist Fran, the choir, and our three choral scholars who join us from the UPEI music program. Before Sunday service you may notice people visiting each other around the pews and catching up on the past week—we welcome the fellowship. Each Sunday after worship we gather either in the hall or on our front lawn for coffee, tea, and treats. We invite everyone, and we welcome you just as you are. We come not because we are perfect, or have everything figured out. We come because we have questions, and because we want to grow. We come not because we love the Lord a lot, but because we love him a little and would like to love him more. We are always growing and changing, and we welcome you to be part of this community. And do not worry, if you have wee ones that are busy like I was when I was little, we welcome them even more!

Rev. Amanda

Please note: We now live stream our worship services on YouTube. You can find the YouTube link under the Videos tab of this website. If you are more comfortable, for whatever reason, joining our worship service from home (or on the road) than in person, we will be delighted to have you join us that way.


At Sunday School and in the Nursery

During the early part of our Sunday worship service, there is usually a children’s story time led by Rev. Amanda. Then the children are invited to head out to the Sunday School or the Nursery, for youth specific programming.

Our Nursery is intended for those aged newborn to four years old. It is tended from early September until late June by caring, helpful Nursery Attendants who mare therwe to ensure that your child has a good experience. They will ensure that the children are safe and engaged in fun activities and play. The Nursery includes a crib, changing table and two glider rockers, to support the needs of the littlest visitors. There are plenty of toys, books and colouring books to engage the toddler.

While the Nursery is not staffed during the summer months, parents and grandparents are welcome to make use of the space in whatever way is helpful to them.

Our Sunday School program is for children ages 4 to 12. They meet together in one all-ages classroom to hear a story taken from the Bible, explore its meaning, share a snack, and either play a game or do a craft that relates to the story being explored that week. Bible story time usually includes a colouring sheet or a word search puzzle related to that weeks’ theme.

During the Advent season, the children of the Sunday School, and some of the older Nursery children, stage a live Nativity play for the congregation, usually in mid-December. It is always a lot of fun, and the children do an amazing job! Throughout the year, the children put their collection towards a worthy goal, selected each autumn. For the past two years, we have sent the collection to Presbyterian World Service & Development, to send a child to school in a disadvantaged community abroad.

Your children are invited to take part in either the Sunday School or Nursery programs. But if they would rather stay with their adults in the Sanctuary, that is fine too! Youthful voices (and cries) are always welcome in the Sanctuary. If you are staying in the Sanctuary, you can ask on of the greeters at the Pownal Street door for a Pew Pack. It includes a Bible colouring book, some sticker and activity books, crayons and pen, to keep little ones occupied during worship.